Ausschreibung6. Forschungsrahmenprogramm - Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft4.3.1.5 Wissenschaftsläden |
Objectice The objective is to contribute to the universities’ mission of sharing knowledge with the society, responding to one recommendation made by the Forum on University based Research, in particular in the context of regional and local development. This can be done by developing and strengthening science shops (and similar organisations) based in, or co-operating with, universities. Science shops facilitate scientific communication and societal demand-driven sharing of knowledge with local civil society. Local civil society organisations, dealing with “proximity” problems on health, environment, consumers’ issues, social issues etc., have a strong and increasing need for scientific independent support for effectively being able to carry out their daily activities and negotiate with the local policy makers and other parties. This aim is to help science shops address specific needs identified by local civil society, while at the same time allowing optimising the use of available research results and expertise. It will also show the international dimension of local problems and local needs for scientific research, and will offer opportunities to analyse local impacts and make comparisons with local impacts of issues in other regions in Europe. It may also create transnational learning opportunities for students and earlystage researchers involved in the science shop activities. This is regarded as a pilot for a possible follow-up activity in the 7th Framework Programme. Call for proposals: Work would be expected to bring together both research performers (science shops or similar organisations) and users (the local civil society organisations). The topic addressed may relate to any research domain of potential interest to more than one country. (Auszug aus dem Arbeitsprogramm) [geförderte Projektarten: SSA, CA ] Partner Für koordinierende Maßnahmen (CA) 3 unabhängige Rechtspersonen aus 3 verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten oder assoziierten Staaten, darunter mindestens 2 MS oder assoziierte Kandidatenstaaten. Für Maßnahmen zur gezielten Unterstützung (SSA) 1 Rechtsperson aus 1 MS oder AS. Budget Das Gesamtbudget beträgt 1 Mio. Euro